I ended up going home for Halloween and because of that, I had no idea what I was going to be. I new what I was going to be, my friend Jake invited me to go galavanting with him. But I couldn't go without being costumed! Sure, I could have just gotten something from my endless stores of costumes, but I've worn everything already and I don't like repeating. Yes, I could have been a gypsy or pirate, they're easy to do, but also boring and ordinary. I would not let this conundrum ruin my Halloween! Then, like a bolt of lightning, I had it! I knew what I wanted to be for Halloween!
Rosie the Riveter!!
I simply wore my skinny jeans with my blue keds. I went to my local thrift store (DI) and bought a men's dark blue button up shirt. I then purchased red with white polka dot fabric for my head scarf, slapped on some red lipstick and went around doing the signature pose. It was super fun, quick, easy, and most importantly,